Testimonial 1
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Today, November 30, 2023 marks the 40th priestly ordination of Fr Mike Brillantes. On this occasion, we launch the website of Fr Mike’s Memorial Arts Center to celebrate and commemorate the auspicious event.
4-day Training Course on Bamboo Flute Playing on July 9-12, 2023, taught by Mr Gilbert Oliveros and wife under the auspices of the Fr Mike’s Memorial Arts Center Inc.
The First Graduates
The first batch of students completed their visual arts training under the instruction and guidance of local artist Evelyn Burton Danguilit at the Fr Mike’s Memorial Arts Center today. The 43 students were trained on sketching, shadow painting, water coloring and acrylic painting. The graduates expressed their gratitude to the sponsors.
Teacher Rene Princena teaching 2 high school students on June 23. Their second session. 10 students were chosen but only 2 made it.